Tuesday, July 14, 2009 ;
4:22 PM

This sweetie is a lady moose, another of Linda Vick's wonderful photos. I lived in Canada for over five years, and never saw a moose once, nor an elk. But I did see a mother bear and two cubs right along the highway, and several exceedingly stupid people out of their cars trying to get pictures. Reminded me of the people in Kenya at the game park, out of their cars to photograph lions, like they were tame zoo animals.
We were in a line of cars, unable to go back or forward, with a rhino on one side pawing the ground, obviously agitated. Our senior missionary said the rhino could flip our VW combie with one swipe of his horn. Like they said of Aslan, in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, "He's NOT a tame lion, you know!"

Several of you wrote me back, commenting on Canada's beauty. I remember being a child at Niagara Falls and realizing with jealousy that the Canadian side was much prettier than ours. I guess that's part of growing up, realizing that other people and other countries can have things better than ours, without lowering our own value or preciousness. I'm including several of my vacation photos today, then some more of Linda's beautiful flowers.

This is a part of the Canadian Rockies, called "The Three Sisters", about one hour from Calgary. They have names...I think Alberta and Victoria and not sure of the third. This is just a view out the car window...can you imagine what it's like to actually climb one of these?

This is Crazy Creek Waterfall, in British Columbus, on the way back from the Okanagan Valley to Calgary.
I can't figure how to flip the picture right side up. sigh Well, maybe one of you will write me back and tell me how to do that. We climbed out on a swaying bridge right over this thing...SOME of us climbed out on the bridge. I won't mention that Virginia was too chicken. And she had the nerve to ask Byng for his car keys, in case he fell down into the gorge!

Jimmy in front of a beautiful Ford truck at a car show. I think the truck was older than he was.

The two of us on one of the swaying bridges over the waterfall.

Me, out in the MIDDLE of that horrible bridge, with the waterfall behind me. And of course Byng made
it shake horribly.

The Alberta provincial flower, the Wild Rose.

The Calypso Orchid

More pictures tomorrow. Margie

♫♫♪♫♪ from Marg

Marg Marshall, 4:22 PM


great pics... i like moose!
great one of you and jim.
your vaca sounds perfect, and refreshing....

Blogger Unknown, at 14 July, 2009

Anonymous Saralyn, at 14 July, 2009
Yup!! I asked for the keys because my purse was locked in the van with the second set inside!! How dumb would that have been....to have a dead husband in Crazy Creek with the keys in his pocket? That's why they call me "practical"!! :)

Too chicken to go on the suspension bridge? Absolutely!! I can pee my pants a whole lot easier than having to undergo stress like that :)

Anonymous Virginia, at 14 July, 2009
Marg, the photos are spectacular!
It's difficult to capture the emotion of the scene, but you did a great job.

Hey, I have to crawl on swaying foot bridges!


Anonymous Anonymous, at 20 July, 2009

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Name:Marg Marshall

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