Thursday, July 23, 2009 ;
1:00 PM


This is for Saturday sipping by your pool (or lake or hot tub or puddle). Wash some strawberries and pop one into each section of an ice cube tray. Fill tray with water (or white grape juice.) Freeze at least 3 hours.

Then mix the following:

12 oz. orange juice concentrate (thawed)

6 oz. limeade concentrate (thawed)

2 cups water

6 cups sparkling apple juice, chilled

Serve over several strawberry ice cubes in a beautiful glass. Enjoy!

♫♫♪♫♪ from Marg

Marg Marshall, 1:00 PM | link | 0 comments |

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 ;
1:37 PM


Another perfect day in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. And by the way, the 90 mile long lake is Lake Okanagan, not Lake Kelowna. (my editor kindly corrected me.) Just look at all the blues in that picture! Those guys are Byng and Gini Olive, who made our wonderful vacation possible.

These are both Ladyslippers.

This is a twining honeysuckle.

And this beautiful spot is another view of the lake, a few miles south of Kelowna, where we stopped for our notable picnic lunch that the baby bear romped through. We had toyed with the idea of going in the water, until the bear changed our mind. One thing that makes Canada so refreshing is that there aren't so MANY PEOPLE everywhere. Even crowds don't feel that crowded, when you remember there is only one tenth the population of the US. I think heaven will be like that, though perhaps our Chinese friends wouldn't feel at home unless they were squashed in with millions of folks on all sides. God will have to figure that one out.

On another entirely different note, here are two quotes from Pastor Tony last Sunday. "If it's not down in the well, it won't come up in the bucket." He had told of a pastor calling a parishioner, to have the phone answered with "Who the h--- is this?" When the man found out it was his pastor calling, he stammered and stuttered, "Sorry, pastor, I don't usually talk like that." I thought that had "elements of humor", as my mom likes to say. And then this one: "I would rather settle a riot than perform a resurrection." How true! Let's have some life, some emotion and noise and act like you're in this thing! Don't save your yelling just for the football games...let your pastor know you're awake and listening! There, I've said my piece for today. Tomorrow...the famous shrimp curry recipe I'm known for all over two huge lands. love you all, Margie


♫♫♪♫♪ from Marg

Marg Marshall, 1:37 PM | link | 2 comments |

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 ;
4:22 PM

This sweetie is a lady moose, another of Linda Vick's wonderful photos. I lived in Canada for over five years, and never saw a moose once, nor an elk. But I did see a mother bear and two cubs right along the highway, and several exceedingly stupid people out of their cars trying to get pictures. Reminded me of the people in Kenya at the game park, out of their cars to photograph lions, like they were tame zoo animals.
We were in a line of cars, unable to go back or forward, with a rhino on one side pawing the ground, obviously agitated. Our senior missionary said the rhino could flip our VW combie with one swipe of his horn. Like they said of Aslan, in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, "He's NOT a tame lion, you know!"

Several of you wrote me back, commenting on Canada's beauty. I remember being a child at Niagara Falls and realizing with jealousy that the Canadian side was much prettier than ours. I guess that's part of growing up, realizing that other people and other countries can have things better than ours, without lowering our own value or preciousness. I'm including several of my vacation photos today, then some more of Linda's beautiful flowers.

This is a part of the Canadian Rockies, called "The Three Sisters", about one hour from Calgary. They have names...I think Alberta and Victoria and not sure of the third. This is just a view out the car window...can you imagine what it's like to actually climb one of these?

This is Crazy Creek Waterfall, in British Columbus, on the way back from the Okanagan Valley to Calgary.
I can't figure how to flip the picture right side up. sigh Well, maybe one of you will write me back and tell me how to do that. We climbed out on a swaying bridge right over this thing...SOME of us climbed out on the bridge. I won't mention that Virginia was too chicken. And she had the nerve to ask Byng for his car keys, in case he fell down into the gorge!

Jimmy in front of a beautiful Ford truck at a car show. I think the truck was older than he was.

The two of us on one of the swaying bridges over the waterfall.

Me, out in the MIDDLE of that horrible bridge, with the waterfall behind me. And of course Byng made
it shake horribly.

The Alberta provincial flower, the Wild Rose.

The Calypso Orchid

More pictures tomorrow. Margie

♫♫♪♫♪ from Marg

Marg Marshall, 4:22 PM | link | 4 comments |

Saturday, July 11, 2009 ;
4:37 PM

Yes, that is a baby bear! Sorry it's not clearer, but I was so shocked to see him come galloping through our picnic site, it was all I could do to snap the picture! I mean, even in Canada, you just don't expect a baby bear to suddenly run past your picnic table! He was obviously on a mission, and desperately looking for his mama. At which point we began to wonder about her, where she was, and if she could suddenly descend on us. We decided we were through and hightailed it back to the car! As did other diners around us. You just don't mess with Mama Bear. That's Canada, folks, always a new surprise around the corner.
We so thoroughly enjoyed our few days with our friends Byng and Virginia Olive, driving with them out to Kelowna, BC for a few days in a lovely condo/resort called the Delta Grand Kelowna. Lake Kelowna is over 90 miles long, and surrounded by wine country and fruit orchards, somewhat like California and Washington combined. In fact, the Okanagan Valley we were in continues on down into Washington, also producing wonderful fruit down there. Boats, fishing, hot tubbing, swimming in both indoor and outdoor pools...ah, the life of Reilly, whoever he is.

While in our old home town of Cochrane I went over to the Bethany Care Center to play for the residents. It was a bittersweet pleasure; so many of the familiar faces were missing. But it was good to think of them released from their wheel chairs and pain, their foggy memories and lonely lives. How fabulous Heaven must be, those first few hours when you realize what you've left behind, and the new existence ahead of you!
I reconnected with a volunteer at Bethany, Linda Vick, who sent me some of her photography. Take a look and marvel at the beauty God spread all over Alberta!

Kananaskis Big Horn Sheep in Spring

Wedge Pond, Kananaskis, Alberta

Upper Kananaskis Lake, Alberta

Grizzly at Bow Valley Park Beaver Pond, Alberta

Baby Fox in Cochrane, Alberta (my former home town)

Rocky Mountain Sheep, Mom and Baby

Kananaskis in early Spring, Alberta, Canada

Isn't this country beautiful? You can see why Jim and I go on and on about Canada! Tomorrow, some of my vacation pictures, though they're not in this league! blessings, Margie

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♫♫♪♫♪ from Marg

Marg Marshall, 4:37 PM | link | 4 comments |

Monday, July 6, 2009 ;
4:28 PM


Just returned from a visit to friends in Alberta, Canada. Brought back a recipe for Cranberry Chutney. You are probably eating turkey sandwiches if it's hot and you don't want to cook; try this with your sandwich and see if it doesn't perk it up!
CRANBERRY CHUTNEY (fabulous on sliced turkey)

1 cup water
1 cup sugar
12 oz cranberries
1/2 cup vinegar
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup peeled, diced apples
1/4 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp cloves
1/4 chopped walnuts (optional)

Directions: 1. Bring water & sugar to a boil over medium heat.
2. Add all remaining ingredients & return to a boil.
3. Reduce heat & simmer 15 minutes or until apples are tender.
4. Pour into glass mixing bowl & let cool to room temperature.

Here's a cool idea. Make a delicious, festive appetizer: Spread low fat cream cheese and cranberry chutney on a tortilla wrap. Roll and cut into bite sizes. Wonderful!


♫♫♪♫♪ from Marg

Marg Marshall, 4:28 PM | link | 1 comments |


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