Wednesday, July 15, 2009 ;
1:37 PM


Another perfect day in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. And by the way, the 90 mile long lake is Lake Okanagan, not Lake Kelowna. (my editor kindly corrected me.) Just look at all the blues in that picture! Those guys are Byng and Gini Olive, who made our wonderful vacation possible.

These are both Ladyslippers.

This is a twining honeysuckle.

And this beautiful spot is another view of the lake, a few miles south of Kelowna, where we stopped for our notable picnic lunch that the baby bear romped through. We had toyed with the idea of going in the water, until the bear changed our mind. One thing that makes Canada so refreshing is that there aren't so MANY PEOPLE everywhere. Even crowds don't feel that crowded, when you remember there is only one tenth the population of the US. I think heaven will be like that, though perhaps our Chinese friends wouldn't feel at home unless they were squashed in with millions of folks on all sides. God will have to figure that one out.

On another entirely different note, here are two quotes from Pastor Tony last Sunday. "If it's not down in the well, it won't come up in the bucket." He had told of a pastor calling a parishioner, to have the phone answered with "Who the h--- is this?" When the man found out it was his pastor calling, he stammered and stuttered, "Sorry, pastor, I don't usually talk like that." I thought that had "elements of humor", as my mom likes to say. And then this one: "I would rather settle a riot than perform a resurrection." How true! Let's have some life, some emotion and noise and act like you're in this thing! Don't save your yelling just for the football games...let your pastor know you're awake and listening! There, I've said my piece for today. Tomorrow...the famous shrimp curry recipe I'm known for all over two huge lands. love you all, Margie


♫♫♪♫♪ from Marg

Marg Marshall, 1:37 PM


Considerate of the Chinese - how global!

Anonymous Saralyn, at 16 July, 2009
Beautiful pics--fun to see Ginny and Byng.
We dry-skinned people are THANKFUL for that humidity!--without it, I'd be able to file my nails on my skin... :)

Anonymous Anonymous, at 21 July, 2009

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Name:Marg Marshall

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"Fight discouragement like the very devil himself." ~ Morton Dorsey

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